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Easy ways to build muscle at home

Picture of Chiamaka Mgbeajuo

Chiamaka Mgbeajuo

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What you need to know about building muscles

Bulking up muscles doesn’t come easy on the first day of workout. Building muscle is more than just mere workout or weight lifting. You need to target the muscle you are trying to grow efficiently and check out easy easy to increase muscle mass. If this isn’t happening your way then your routine to gain muscle at home might just be a bit off.

Here are easy ways to gain muscle at home.

1. Compound exercises.

    Exercises that target specific muscles build up body mass but compound exercises for multiple parts are better. Compound exercises like squats and push ups are the easiest ways to gain muscle and weight.

    2. High intensity workouts.
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      Challenging yourself during workouts is essential. Once your body adjust to the exercises you do, keep your workouts intense and rotate different routines.

      3. Healthy eating.
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        The food you eat plays a major role of you are looking to gain muscle at home. Add more protein to your diet. Your body needs energy to grow stronger so you need to eat more since you burn calories with the intense workouts.

        4. Enough rest.
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          Sleeping well is as important as your diet. Getting enough rest gives your body the chance to recover and your muscles some rest time.

          5. Try supplements.
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            These could range from multivitamins to help your appetite to the ones that supply vitamins. You could also try creatine supplements to help increase your energy levels. In this way, you can take on more exercise routines to build your muscles mass.

            6. Stick to a routine.
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            Training the target muscles two to three times a week is recommended. To build your muscles evenly and around your body, you need compound exercises. If you want to gain muscle at home faster, you will need to increase your training frequency.

              You could get an online workout app if you can’t visit the gym. Seeking advice from a nutritionist and a gym coordinator will help you settle into a routine that’s best for you to build muscle and weight at home.

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